Saturday, November 14, 2009

The important matter

I valued family highly, but can't committed to one man. So the loyalti of mine goes to my parent and brothers and closed friends. They have my material and immaterial supports for all troubles they faced. But sometimes I just want to be myself. Pampering myself and enjoy my solitery moment. Sometimes I tired to heard all sorrow and trouble, tired to always giving advice or decisions. Why can't they tought by themselves? In that moments I will run away to imaginary world behind the books. That's why I became addicted to read.

Lately I found thet photography also a way to be alone by yourself. Behind the camera I will found another world. It is a rainbow world. Full of colour and shading. And then I have an urge to see another country. An idillyc life that will best suited me if I can take my camera and go to every place without boundaries named country. I will need not much luxury, as long as I can sleep in a decent and clean room and modest meals. Maybe I need my laptop and internet connection. Can't live without it, right? I believe my Ipod and macbook will accompany me to every place I go.

Wind will catch my hair while I walk. Everywhere wind will tell everybody where I'd be. Hmmmmm....
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